Natasha’s Pregnancy Story

Hi Gowri,

I just wanted to let you know that I had a little baby boy born last Saturday weighing 3.3 kg. I was very lucky to have the most beautiful VBAC water birth after having had two emergency caesareans with my two previous boys. I had no pain relief, I didn’t even tear, I just used my breath, and out popped a baby :).

I am so grateful for all the help, advice, and support you and the GBM team gave me. It was a very empowering life moment for me, a dream come true, and you played a huge part in making it possible. The diet, the teas, the vitamins, the mental/physical preparation made it all so worth it in the end.

Sending the hugest hugs,


Ella’s Pregnancy Story in NEW YORK


Stella’s Pregnancy Story