Jayne & Darren Gee's Birth Story
Dear Gowri,Just letting you know our little baby boy arrived safely into the world at 22.10 on Thursday 24th April 2008 weighing in at a whopping 9lb 7oz!In the end I started to have a show in the early hours of the morning on the Thursday (the day I was due to be induced - I was two weeks overdue). I had a show, but no contractions, hence I was given Prostin at 8am. I began contracting but nothing major, they were about 3 in every 10-15 mins, not enough to establish labour or much dilation. The registrar decided to let me continue contracting lightly and did not want to give me anymore Prostin. At around 7.30pm, they were able to break my waters which immediately established labour. 1st stage was 2 hours 30mins, 2nd stage was 5 mins and 3rd stage was 5 mins. I was very lucky as I did not tear just a little bruising.So it all ended up being quite quick with very little medical intervention, with no time for any pain relief! Your labour kit came in very handy and was administered expertly by Darren, and as usual he was my rock throughout the whole experience.I cannot thank you enough for all the support you have given me throughout all my three pregnancies. Your vision for the Gentle Birth Method is truly inspiring and I only wish all women could experience it.Jayne & Darren Gee xxThursday 24th April 2008MORE STORIES