H. C.'s Birth Story
Hi Gowri,I had a healthy baby girl at home on June 14th, went into labor on the 13th June (my due date) and she was born just after midnight. It was a wonderful and completely gentle birth. So gentle that she was fast asleep when she came out. Thank you so much for your help along the way, it was a dream pregnancy and birth. She weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces . I'm on cloud nine with my baby girl, she's even an amazing sleeper. I have to wake her at 3am to feed otherwise she's stays asleep.
Please know that you have a place to stay in Venice Beach if you come out to LA. I would love to introduce you to my midwives and other wonderful birth specialists that I've met along the way. You should really bring the gentle birth method here, moms would love it.
Lots of love H. C.